Mosan Sanitation Solution

Nombre de tu organización:
Mosan Guatemala S.A.
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Categoría 2: Saneamiento
Dirección de la organización: País
Nombre de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
Mosan - The Circular Sanitation Solution
Descripción de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
Mosan provides an ecological circular sanitation system; a mobile urine-diverting dry-toilet; and a collection and transformation process with Pyrolysis to recycle human excreta into valuable Biochar.
Descripción del problema (en 550 caracteres o menos):
Globally more than 4.2 billion people, and in Guatemala 6 million people lack access to improved sanitation. Per second 500 liters of wastewater enter Lake Atitlán, a very important water source in Central America. Consequences are disease spreading, high mortality rates, environmental contamination and undignified conditions.Significant greenhouse gas emissions come from open defecation, and anaerobic digestion in latrines. Existing options like water-flush systems usually fail, use high amounts of water and threaten the important ecosystem.
Descripción de la innovación de la solución (hasta 550 caracteres):
Mosan has a strong social focus & systemic approach and is pioneering feces Pyrolysis. With customized reactors Mosan creates biochar. Biomass highly heated with low oxygen transforms into biochar, syngas & bio oil. Biochar can replace artificial fertilizers in agriculture and allows carbon sequestration. Our system saves high amounts of water & CO2 by replacing conventional toilets. Mosan is a climate-positive sanitation solution. In 5 years it can save CO2 equivalent to 2.5 million trees. We will scale by replication to numerous communities.
Usuarios de la Solución:
Hogar,Mujeres,Niños y Jóvenes
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