Resource Recovery from Human Excreta

Nombre de tu organización:
Tuik Ruch Lew
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Category 2: Sanitation
Dirección de la organización: País
Nombre de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
Gas from Biomass: from Poop to Power
Descripción de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
A fixed-dome biodigester; an underground, reinforced concrete fermentation tank with a gas chamber, connected to toilets. Digestion of sewage produces biogas and fertilizer for nutrient recovery.
Descripción del problema (en 550 caracteres o menos):
The lack of safe sanitation infrastructure in the lake basin threatens ecosystems and human health. Lake Atitlán currently serves as a large sewage dump where 10 out of 17 communities discharge raw sewage - 1.4 million m3 annually - directly into the lake. The remaining 82.2% of the sewage seeps into fissured rocks, soils and rivers mainly through leaching pit latrines and thus ends up in the lake too. Fecal matter contamination causes eutrophication and threatens the drinking water of over 100,000 residents.
Descripción de la innovación de la solución (hasta 550 caracteres):
A biodigester connected to toilets is a virtuous circular solution to the treatment of human excreta and kitchen scraps. By-products of the digester are gas for cooking, plus liquid and solid fertilizer for permaculture where traditional Maya greens will be cultivated. Our pilot project at a school will serve as a proof of concept to develop a sustainable sanitation solution for the municipality of Santiago Atitlan. The digester is half the cost of the commonly used leach pits, generating demand for the systems and new job opportunities.
Usuarios de la Solución:
Academy and Education,Agriculture and Fishing,Indigenous People and African Descendants
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Agua del Pueblo has been testing different strains of plants to extract metals and other pathogens. I recommend communicating with them. Their headquarters is in Xela:
hace 4 años
Thank you Bruce. Joint efforts and exchange of experience are so important. We are happy to get in contact with Agua del Pueblo to learn about their experiences. Take care of yourself.
hace 4 años
Hiya, Jess. Thank you! Good luck and lemme know if I can help!
hace 4 años