Clothes with heat storage

Protection of surviving people in a disaster is the paramount importance in any rescue activity. Due to non functioning or collapsing of energy sources and their distribution channels, it is difficult to provide a responsive climate, especially for injured in normal weather and for all in varying or extreme weather (e.g. The 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of T?hoku, Japan). This is very important in the initial hours of the disaster and during the rehabilitation activities when no climate conditioning can be established. In order to overcome these issues, I propose the use of jackets and other textiles integrated with phase change materials (PCMs) which are very well known heat storage materials. PCMs can be integrated easily with the textiles using various techniques such as, coating, micro encapsulation, etc. Jackets/blankets or other textiles integrated with various PCMs stores thermal energy and on any variation in environmental temperature, this heat is released therefore the substrate or the wearer's body is maintained at a favourable temperature. The use of PCM is very helpful especially in two cases,
1. High variation in day and night temperature: Heat automatically gets stored during the day time and released automatically at the time of low temperature.

2. The temperature is always low: When the environment temperature is always low e.g. in winters, PCM integrated jackets or blankets can be charged or heated for a few minutes near to fire or any other central heat source and distributed back to the wearer. Merely a few minutes can heating provides a high insulation for hours.

This whole idea is about the thermal energy conservation and distribution so that people's survival become easy in cold weather in a disaster.
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